
Friday, December 20, 2013

Quickbooks Online: Editing Customer Names

Problem: You edit the customer and the changes are not displayed on the person's profile.

Solution: After you change the Name → Click on the drop-down menu on "Display Name" and select the one you want.

Quickbooks Online: Merging Customers

Problem: You have 2 accounts for the same person in Quickbooks and you want to merge them together.

Solution: Open the customer you don't want → Change the Display Name to match the Display Name of the customer you DO want (to keep)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Enable 'Long Document Mode' on Canon P-215

Problem: You want to scan a document that's longer than 14," but every time you try, your P-215 stops midway and says it has a paper jam.

Solution: Connect your P-215 → Open it up (& turn it on) → Control Panel → (Devices and Printers) View scanners and cameras → select Canon P-215 USB → Properties → Maintenance tab → select "Long Document mode" → OK