
Friday, December 20, 2013

Quickbooks Online: Editing Customer Names

Problem: You edit the customer and the changes are not displayed on the person's profile.

Solution: After you change the Name → Click on the drop-down menu on "Display Name" and select the one you want.

Quickbooks Online: Merging Customers

Problem: You have 2 accounts for the same person in Quickbooks and you want to merge them together.

Solution: Open the customer you don't want → Change the Display Name to match the Display Name of the customer you DO want (to keep)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Enable 'Long Document Mode' on Canon P-215

Problem: You want to scan a document that's longer than 14," but every time you try, your P-215 stops midway and says it has a paper jam.

Solution: Connect your P-215 → Open it up (& turn it on) → Control Panel → (Devices and Printers) View scanners and cameras → select Canon P-215 USB → Properties → Maintenance tab → select "Long Document mode" → OK

Friday, November 29, 2013

Disabling Monitor Speakers (HDMI)

Problem: You have a set of speakers that sound way better than your monitor's built-in speakers but the sound plays through the monitor by default (& your computer is connected to your monitor through an HDMI cable).

Solution: Plug speakers into your computer/laptop → Control Panel → (Sound) Manage Audio Devices → (Playback tab) R click on the device that is NOT "Speakers" (it might be "Digital Audio (HDMI)") → Disable
Tip: In order to re-enable or see the Disabled devices, R click on the blank space > check Show Disabled Devices 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Restart a Motorola Razr M

Problem: You need to force restart your Motorola Razr M, but unlike your other phones, you cannot access the battery to pull it out.

Solution: Hold down the power button & the down volume button at the same time, for about 10 seconds.

Friday, October 4, 2013

(Temporarily) Disable Sophos

Problem: You need to disable Sophos in order to install something.

Solution: Open Sophos > Configure > Anti-Virus > On-access Scanning > Uncheck "Enable on-access scanning for this computer > Apply

Friday, August 16, 2013

Customize Power Saving Mode on the Galaxy S3

Problem: You want to change/see what Power Saving Mode does on your S3.

Solution: Settings > Power saving mode > toggle/check whatever you'd like

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Disable App Update Notifications in Android

Problem: You have billions of apps installed on your Andoid phone & they're all set to "Update Automatically," which results in your notification bar being filled to the brim with update notifications.

Solution: "Play Store" app > Menu softkey (on phone) > Settings > uncheck "Notifications"

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Remove Bing from Firefox

Problem: You have Firefox, but you hate Bing and want to remove it.  When you type search words into the address bar, it always redirects to Bing (instead of Google).

Solution: Type "about.config" in the address bar → Enter → I'll be careful, I promise! → Type "keyword.URL" in search box → Enter → R click → Reset

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Type Arrows in Regular Text

Problem: You're typing an email, a message, a document, a blog or some other such thing that doesn't have an "Insert Symbol" function and you want to put some arrows in it.

Solution: Go to Wikipedia's Arrow (symbol) page → highlight the arrow you want → copy (Ctrl+C) & paste (Ctrl+V)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Access the Device Manager in XP

Problem: You want to to access the Device Manager in Windows XP, but you don't know how to get to it.

Start → Run → devmgmt.msc → Enter
Start → Control Panel → System → Hardware tab → Device Manager
Start → Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Computer Management → Device Manager (on L)