
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Change Lock Screen App Shortcuts

Problem: You want to change the shortcuts on the Lock Screen of your Android ICS device.

Solution: Settings → Security → Lock Screen Options → Shortcuts (don't click the toggle)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Redwall Series in X Order


  1. Lord Brocktree
  2. Legend of Luke, The  (Book 2 substory)
  3. Martin the Warrior
    sequel: Mossflower
  4. Mossflower
    sequel: Legend of Luke
  5. Legend of Luke, The
    sequel: Outcast of Redwall
  6. Outcast of Redwall
  7. Mariel of Redwall
    sequel: prologue/epilogue of Martin the Warrior
    sequel: Bellmaker
  8. Bellmaker
  9. Salamandastron
  10. Redwall
    sequel: Mattimeo
  11. Mattimeo
    sequel: Pearls of Lutra
  12. Pearls of Lutra, The
  13. Long Patrol, The
    sequel: Marlfox
  14. Marlfox
    sequel: Taggerrung
  15. Taggerrung, The
    sequel: Triss
  16. Triss
  17. Loamhedge
  18. Rakkety Tam
  19. High Rhulain
  20. Eulalia!
  21. Doomwyte
  22. Sable Quean, The
  23. Rogue Crew, The

Order Published

  1. Redwall
  2. Mossflower
  3. Mattimeo
  4. Mariel of Redwall
  5. Salamandastron
  6. Marin the Warrior
  7. Bellmaker, The
  8. Outcast of Redwall
  9. Pearls of Lutra, The
  10. Long Patrol, The
  11. Marlfox
  12. Legend of Luke, The (Book 2 substory)
  13. Legend of Luke, The
  14. Lord Brocktree
  15. Taggerung, The
  16. Triss
  17. Loamhedge
  18. Rakkety Tam
  19. High Rhulain
  20. Eulalia!
  21. Doomwyte
  22. Sable Quean, The
  23. Rogue Crew, The

Friday, November 23, 2012

Softening Cream Cheese

Problem: A recipe you want to make calls for "softened" cream cheese.

Solution: (completely) unwrap the cream cheese → put it on a plate → microwave on HIGH for 15 sec

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Edit Android Custom Dictionary

Problem: You accidentally inputted a word that's not a word, or you just want to edit the Custom Dictionary on your Android device.

4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich: Home Screen > Settings > (Personal) Language and Input > (Keyboards and input methods) Samsung keyboard > Predictive text > My word list